Ps and Qs

Morning world.

Is it Saturday? I can't tell the difference any more. In my life one day is very much like another anyway but for the Lock Downs it must be very confusing. The poppets. They seem to be coping so far but I understand there's a long way to go yet.

Before I go on I do hope you're all keeping your paws clean. Apparently if you sing happy birthday twice through that's about 20 seconds which is enough to upset the equilibrium of this pesky virus. Thinking about it though surely this is dependent on how big your paws are and how fast you sing. Whatever you do though stay safe. My cat friends (!) are always cleaning their paws so maybe there's a lesson in there for us all. Furballs! 

Yesterday, one of the Lock Downs said that they always planned their Saturday outing on a Friday night even if it was just doing a bit of shopping or nipping out for cake. Said that it felt really weird to know they can't but totally understood why they couldn't. May I take this opportunity, from my lofty position at the end of the Lock Down's bed, to remind them that as a dog I am unable to nip out anywhere at any time. This is not just because even at my age I can't be trusted not to run off after something furry or flappy (it's my greyhound genes don't you know) so I'm held on a lead (the humiliation) but it's because I can't actually open the door myself. See it's not my problem I'm trapped. Forever. 

I expect today will be hard for a lot of people, especially the young un's who can't go out and play. Do they do that these days - go out and play - or are they sat in front of the tv? I like TV. My favourite film is Snow Dogs. I digress. 

Anyway I have only a few words of wisdom this morning because I've not had my breakfast yet (something else I can't control...see I do understand) and these few words are:

Mind your P's and Q's. 

No longer does this mean mind your language (you know who you are) oh no, but now it should mean mind the peace and quiet. Think about the silences between the activities, the silences between the words and remember that this isn't just about you - or even me for that matter for I'm just a dog - it's about everyone in the whole wide world. Deep or what?

Now, where's me brekkie, I'm starving. 

Woof woof.

Ps the Lock Down has just reminded me to remind you if you do go out to #Q2m apart...ta very muchly.


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