A Dog is For Life

The Lock Down is part of something called the #dailywritimgchallenge. Keeps her busy I suppose. The poor thing feels a bit adrift at the moment but judging by the looks on the faces of the people we pass on our walkies she's not alone. Everyone seems to be going what the heck? a lot. As long as everyone washes their hands and wrists properly from this time forward then maybe just maybe we'll get out from under. Talking of under I've taken to hiding under a large cushion because if someone gets my lead out and I can't see them then whatever it is they want can't actually be happening. Anyway today's #dailywritingchallenge is about loyalty so I've hijacked the Lock Down's blog page to pass on my ill-considered thoughts on loyalty..here goes ...a dog's eye view. For what it's worth...

I'm loyal. Your faithful friend. I'm by your side literally all the time. I look at you with both hope and expectation. I need you and you need me. No, you really do. I'm uncritical. I don't judge. I listen to your woes. I eat your birthday cake (true story) so I feel like I'm sharing your celebrations. I chase my tail when I see you. I put my nose in your hand when you're sad. I sleep on you when I'm tired. I invade your personal space. My feet smell. I have fur...lots and lots of fur. I need to go out even when it's slatting it down with rain. Sorry I digress. We are a team you and I. I'm loyal. I'll follow you to the ends of the earth, especially if I think you're going to open the fridge.

The Lock Down says that her friends are like me. Loyal. They've been fallen asleep on (wine related), look pleased to see her, eat her cake, listen to her woes, share the highs and lows. They don't usually moult and if their feet smell she's too polite to say (friends of the Lock Down in real life don't worry I've added this bit for dramatic effect). The Lock Down tries to be a loyal friend. 

But loyalty is a two way thing. Break her heart and I'll know. She says she doesn't need a loyalty card to know you're on the same page and equally is loyal to others...she can't defend the indefensible but respects your right to speak your mind...I just bark so what would I know?! Loyalty is earned, even by your dog.

Right gang it's mid morning on Saturday. Try and stay safe. Stay inside your own territories, don't mess with the neighbours, play nicely, send a message to a friend and eat a bonio...or six. 

Woof woof


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