Guest Dog Blog!


I sent out a All Dog's Bark yesterday for dog blogs and I'm thrilled to announce we have a winner! Actually I only had one entrant but it's early days ...all doggy blogs welcome...share the fur, sorry share the love.

So a big waggy tail to Boris. And yes it's true, we've met. We walked in the same space that's all I'm saying!


My name is Boris and I am a German Shepherd. I am the boss. I am a big boy because I am nearly 4. I have met Dogpaws when he came to visit. He was ok but we will ever be best dog friends. He barked at me in my own conservatory. How rude was that! He needn't visit again if he is going to be like that.
My Mum was a police dog and my Dad was a pedigree so I am definitely the boss.
I own two humans and I also own the downstairs of my house and the gardens. I would like to own upstairs but the humans have a gate to stop me. They sometimes forget to shut the gate so I sneak upstairs to see where I can leave fur. The first time I went upstairs I was so excited that I wet the carpet then chewed the bathroom rug.

When I was little and before I was the boss, the humans put me in a cage at night. They didn't seem to like me investigating and tasting things in her handbag or those books on shelves or the table legs. I am a big boy now and don't need to taste things so I am allowed to be out of my cage at night. I usually sleep on my sofa (yes that's mine too) but I can go in my cage if I want to as the door is always open.

Now the man human is taking me for a walk in the village. I usually had treats in some shops waiting for me. Most people in the village know me and wave or call my name or stop for a cuddle. The shops are shut and the village is very quiet so there are no extra treats or cuddles. The only thing that seems to be out is that darned cat across the road. I hate that cat.

Best be off.... Toodle pip


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