Party On!

Evening folks.

It's Saturday night so that means Party 🎉Time? No? Oh well. It's not party time here either. The Lock Down say she feels somewhat discombobulated by the latest news so has had more than one glass of something she calls 'a cheeky pinot' to help her dislocate a bit...these days I can't say I blame her, can you? If I was in the Lock Downs shoes I'd be having double bonio as well. It's all got a bit blurggh lately.

Anyway friends I've had a nice Saturday have you? It rained first thing so no walkies (yay!). I watched Hotel for Dogs this afternoon to which I paid no attention at all. It was clichéd nonsense apparently. I like watching sheep dog trails though and my friend the whippersnapper whippet from down the bank puts his paws on the TV cabinet to watch television. Now that is cheeky! Does he contribute to their TV licence I wonder?

So, friends what are you up to since you can't go out. Staying in is the new going out so they say. Quick question are you doing any of the following instead of going out...
Spending time with friends at The Hat and Headphone? Having a virtual party with a few others in big hats and full outfits, bring your own bonio...Easy to keep 2m apart when you are partying with others as they aren't on the same astral plane as after all. Party On. (Wo)Man.
Doing a online quiz? Dog breeds of the world or some such? Hmmm. There Can Be Only One (sneaky film reference there according to the Lock Down... there's a prize of a gravy bone if you guess right. Hashtag generous).
Reading Horse and Hound? That should be Hound and Hound shouldn't it? Lots of the Lock Down's friends are either reading voraciously or are unable to finish a page. Either is probably some form of displacement activity, bit like eating the rug.
Are you knitting? Fog presumably. Or doing your best Madame DeFarge impersonation ...I'd best leave that analogy where it is for now. Patio builders of the world unite.
Or are you like me channelling your inner c*t and are curled up as small as can be, tucked up right into the corner the sofa? Hiding from everything. Honestly though the Lock Down says she thinks that is the safest thing to do, especially as she has just done battle with a king sized duvet and needs a sit down. Climbed inside it she says. I'm surprised she found her way out considering that 'cheeky pinot'...Oomans they never cease to amaze me with the things they get up to. I did wonder what the swearing was about but I couldn't be bothered to walk up stairs to find out. She'd better not have made my bed again either... I like it messy. And fuggy.

Right gang remember that whatever you're doing stay safe, wash your 🐾and if you are actually at The Hat and Headphone don't sit on your actual hat. That would be shame. We'll need all the hats we can get so we can all throw them joyously in the air when this nightmare is over. Who knows when that will be though so until then keep your hats safe, your loved ones close and your family connected.

Woof woof 🐾


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