Same Old, Same Old

The Lock Down (I may have mentioned this before so do forgive me if I have; I'm getting on a bit and am prone to repetition, I said I'm prone...oh never mind...) is taking part in a #dailywritingchallenge. Today's word so she tells me is ritual. She's been pondering this word all day and we decided that we'd write it together so  if something gets lost in translation we can blame each other. It's a dog's life.

As you will know, if you've read Tails from the Sofa before, I am a creature of habit. The thing the Lock Down is wondering is though is whose habit is it? Mine and they follow me or theirs and I fall in line? Same happens at work with cultural mores one supposes. The Lock Down is self employed so sets her own habits and routines. Every habit is punctuated by the ritual of coffee that much I do know. I also know when it's 5.00pm because that's the time for doggy din dins. I lead (geddit) they follow here or else I am prone to bark sharply. Breakfast is a moveable feast (not that my food moves) because as I get older I like a lie in. A nice long one some days. Getting the zeds in is important. The Lock Down has a new routine now which goes wake up, coffee, check phone, coffee, get up properly etc, feed birds, toast(a tiny bit for meeee) and coffee, work (that's what she calls it and I genuinely think she is), coffee, outside reading or inside reading, walk me, doggy din dins, family time. As a routine it's ok. There aren't any embedded rituals as far as I can tell apart from the coffee, milk, stir ad nauseum one...She has lunch if she remembers. I don't remind her because I'm still full from breakfast. 

As a family the Lock Downs don't have rituals just things they sometimes do in the certain circumstances. Like most families. Who does the bins and who takes me for my last walk is usually a bone (another geddit) of contention depending on the weather. I'm sure your family is the same. Isn't it exciting? I feel safe here mind you and that's what matters most. I like safe. I'm a rescued fur baby.

Talking of routine I know that if the Lock Down picks her keys up at about 4.00pm she's going to a meeting though at the moment she's going nowhere. I know when she gets back late she'll need a fuss. I also know if a certain cupboard door opens there'll be a treat. These aren't rituals just things that happen all the time.  

The fact all the Lock Downs are here all the time and seem to have been for some time is a bit confusing. New routines are emerging and I'm not sure what is going on. And I've been turfed orf my own sofa too many times to count. Literally. I've been allowed to stay in bed later than normal. I've had a few more treats and longer walks (sad face) I've had my routine up ended at times. As you know it's always about moi!

Whatever your new routine and whatever your new emerging rituals stay calm. The Lock Down when she's working apparently has a saying she uses every time she works with something called governors (no, me neither) and that is...if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got. Normally that's not a good look apparently but at the moment I'd say it makes perfect sense. What do you think?

So anyway my friends stay safe, be together but be apart, don't panic if every day is the same, keep your doggies safe of course. And if you want to binge on box sets carry on just shove over a bit I need a sit down.

Oh and don't forget paw washing is still a thing.

Woof woof 🐾


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