Sunday, Sunday?

Greetings earthlings, how be you all? We're certainly not in Kansas anymore that's for sure and the Lock Down to whom am I dictating this dog-blog is vaguely (!) aware it might be Wednesday. Is it? Who knows.

Here at Lock Down Mews the Lock Downs have decided that staying in is the new going out and are quite literally taking it in turns to exit the premises for walkies, shopping and running around the block. Mrs Lock Down seems to be the one doing all the shopping, including a trip to the local hardware shop for doggie waste bags and bird seed (she knows how to rock), and Young Lock Down bakes a lot. I sit and wait hopefully for tasty crumbs but she point blank refuses because I'm turning into a "unit" apparently. Not a clue but it sounds vaguely insulting; young people today eh? The only solution to this kind of behaviour is the side eye. Dog owners will know exactly what a side eyed look means...yup...get stuffed in doggie afraid, be very afraid... actually they usually laugh when I do it so I must practice to be more irritated.

Anyway gang what are your plans today? I'm going to sofa surf, kick the cushions all over the place, and possibly snore. Not sure yet. I may break into a bedroom if the opportunity avails itself. Got to shake things up a bit because I think the Lock Downs are a bit bored. So they may be but they are safe and that's all that matters to me. I'll guard them if I could but lurchers aren't trained for that type of behaviour but I will check on each of them during the day, make sure they are still in the house (preferably with a biscuit) and lie on them to keep them from moving. It's a dog's life.

The real world news seems to be getting more scary by the day. I heard the Lock Downs talk about a tiger getting the virus, a tiger! Goodness me. Also something about keeping your cats inside. Now I'm not a cat fan but that's not fur to them. They need to wander. Next we'll be told no touching your dog. We're a tactail bunch here at Lock Down Mews dog-wise so that won't go down well. Good for the endorphins apparently stroking a willing dog and I'm always up for that! 

As we move inexorably (ooh big word, not bad for a dog of little brain) into something very, very difficult and different may I beg you (literally, but without the drool) to stay inside the confines of your own territories. Us dogs can only do so much to protect you from yourselves.

Now go and wash your hands. Again. 

Woof woof.


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