The Treadmill of Things

Morning campers.

I hope you are all keeping well. The Lock Downs are fine since you ask. Didn't see one of them much yesterday because the sun was shining and she was outside most of the day. Reading a book. A whole one. All at once. Isn't that the way you eat stolen cake? Coughs. The Lock Down's garden (small) isn't surrounded by a 6ft fence and even at my elderly years I'm liable to escape if I see a cat so I'm only allowed out on a lead or under close supervision. Humpf. I do like to bake my weary bones in the sunshine. May bark to be let outside later...or a nice walk. That would be lovely. Flowers to sniff etc. I like flowers.

Back to the news. Looks like we're on lock down for another three weeks. This is a serious worry...the price of dog food in the local shop is rather more than in the supermarket and the Lock Downs are rightly worried. Not as worried as me though. I get ill if my diet is messed about with because they can't get my usual fare. Us lurchers have delicate constitutions but I'll spare you the details. The extended lock down means that we're all on a new routine. This goes no work, careful with the pennies, too much food, exercise once a day (twice if I'm unlucky), cuddles with the TV on, a few raised voices but within the normal range, lots of coffee and ...then...what exactly? I'm just a dog and everyday is the same for me. I'm not worried about my own Lock Downs but I'm concerned for my doggy friends whose Lock Downs can't afford their food or vets bills and for rescue centres like my own (Greenfields Greyhound Rescue since I'm name dropping) who are on the front line of dog rescue. We don't all live in comfy homes and it bothers me. When you drop something in the food bank box drop a tin of dog (or cat if you must) food in too. Golly gosh this is getting serious! 

My first thought when I woke up today was, apart from damn, I didn't catch that rabbit,  what will today's treadmill of things bring? I'm hoping for cooking crumbs, a sunshiney walk and a minty breath stick. I'll no doubt get the latter which is more for their benefit than mine. Exhales on purpose!

Don't forget to wash your paws, mark your own territories with rainbows and nothing else please as it's unhygienic and stay strong.

Woof woof.

Update of excitements...
I got two whole minty breath sticks and not a word did I say...


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