What Day Is It?

Morning all,

Hope that everyone is safe distancing and washing their paws. The Lock Down is complaining her hands are dry...not a thought in her head for my poor paws. They need some TLC do my four paws if she has a mo but I'd rather not have a bath if that's ok. My annual spring bath is due soon and I'm already panicking...with not much else to do over the Easter break I could end up with two. Think of me. Us lurchers aren't known for their webbed paws. I look like a drowned rat when I'm being washed and it's not a good look I can assure you. 

Is it just here or is everyone getting into a new groove? Physical distancing in this house means I often have a choice of sofas. It's heavenly. They were all working on something different in different rooms yesterday...I was a bit lonely so I had a sleep. Plus ca change. The kettle was on a lot though and that meant the fridge door kept opening but there were no pickings for me sadly. One of the Lock Downs has given up biscuits (so she says) so no little chocolatey bits for me. Sad face. 

The Lock Downs are getting a bit grumpy. I suppose lots of people are what with being under something akin to house arrest. So if you do feel low may I recommend the following;

Look up pics of dogs on the internet and go aaaahhh.

Look up vids of dogs doing silly things like swimming in paddling pools, skate boarding, motorcycling, running with deer in the garden, roaching (greyhound term) and laugh.

If you absolutely have to I suppose you could look up pictures of c*ts.

Hopefully that will release some endorphins. You need to be in a good place before you read the news. Sad face with a smidge of perplexion.

Before I forget may I send a woof to everyone who isn't well and a double woof if a friend or family member isn't well and you can't visit. It must be awful.

Anyway back to me. I'm currently lying longways on the Lock Down's bed (there's a theme here can you tell?). Right in the way. I like doing that because my comfort is more important than theirs. Empathy? Moi? Nah.

Yesterday one of the Lock Downs asked what day it was. This may have been a rhetorical question of course but how the heck would I know. I'm a dog. The only thing I know for sure is that as a rescue dog I'm safe now. Oh, and I always know when it's time for food.

That's it for now. 

Stay safe. Stay indoors. Wash your paws.

Woof woof.


  1. Fabulous! My poor dog just cannot get his naps these days as he is not used to the house being so busy!


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