Be Kind

Yo dudes. You all ok out there? It's kindness week so let's be kinder to each other shall we? Golly, that sounds like an order. It's not. You oomans have beem A.Maz.Ing lately but let's still hold each other close (you don't need to be in the same physical place as someone to hold them close) and be gentle. You could all look into my eyes if you like. Apparently this is really calming. The Lock Down and I lock eyes regularly in a weird staring contest type thing which is oddly reassuring for her, the poor lamb. Over sharing? Sorry.

The Lock Down was really busy yesterday so I didn't see her very much. I checked on her once or twice in case she had a biscuit on her personage, but she didn't so I left the room. How selfish! She knows that she wasn't as busy as some people by any stretch of the imagination by the way but says her day was productive nonetheless. And fun. I heard laughing at one point. Goodness. 

I'm getting a bit worried about you lot if I may say. I know I moan about going for walks though I do enjoy a 'stroll and sniff' but when I'm out I'm seeing more and more people close together. It's a bit unnerving to be honest. Are your journeys necessary? Seems a sensible question to me. I also know that there are dogs and cats living in places with no outside space either by choice (possibly not their own) or circumstance so I'm aware that getting outside is not a given. Gosh this is getting serious.

Because the world is shrinking and getting bigger at the same time the Lock Down has started taking pictures of the small beauty she sees on our walks. I stand there eating grass whilst she takes pictures of what look like weeds but she tells me they are Stitchwort or bluebells or something. Whatever. I'm colour blind. The wild garlic had no impact. So my thought for you today is this...Stop. Listen. Look. The world around you is amazing even the tiniest creatures. Moving creakily on...

Talking of being kind the Lock Down has asked me to ask you to remember there are people behind and in front of your words and actions. This is especially important if you can't see who you are talking to. These virtual meetings can be very stressful for some people. Be kind. Patience costs nothing. Think before you act and all that.

As a dog I'm constantly thinking of my stomach and myself but I do notice if you need a hug. I hugged the Lock Down the other day. She seemed a bit quiet so I went and sat on her, moulted, dribbled and made a doggy smell. That helped her enormously I can tell you.

Finally my friends look up, things are going to get not much easier for a while but this will pass and what we do now to prepare for when we can look up with confidence matters. Embed being kind as your default behaviour and whilst it won't be exactly paradisical in future it might be nicer for all of us if we were default kind. Nicer for dogs too.

Right then remember - 
Stay alert. Wash your paws (and wrists).  Don't let the fact those in charge don't actually seem to be in charge in practice get you down too much. Pat a dog but only if you know it. Stay well.

Woof, woof 🐾


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