Ta Dah!

Morning. Or should I say morning again? More of this later.

How's you all doing? Things were a bit off kilter here last week as I understand it was for many people. The rainy weather didn't help. We all feel better in the sunshine even an old sofa lie-a-bed like me don't we? Some of us positively bask in it. I actually request a short walk by hanging around looking doleful by the front door when the sun shines. Glory be.

My role as an unofficial therapy dog was therefore in much demand last week. The Lock Downs all told me their troubles...bless them. Everyone together in one place for weeks on end sometimes has its less than lovely moments don't you agree? Nothing serious don't panic, just a general level of grumpiness. The state of the nation perhaps? I hope that if this is you your dog is listening to you. A nice  walk is a good opportunity for a dog to ooman natter, though the Lock Down tries not to actually talk out loud. Of course we're only allowed out once a day which is perfect for me. Mind you judging by the number of people out and about over the weekend sans canine one began to wonder if anyone is listening any more. Important messages are often lost in translation so my PSB today to you lot who insist on going out unnecessarily is...SIT. 

As I'm in a sharing mood, and not just my spring moult kind of share, I thought I'd pose a few questions for you to think about this week...

What's normal looking like for you now? Same as before or different? Are you okay with that or a bit scaredy-cat? Are you getting used to your new normal and dreading the 8am meetings when we get back to the new normality? The Lock Down certainly is but I'm sure she'll cope. Ha ha.

Are you eating and drinking too much. *Coughs*...the Lock Downs are... possibly! I am hence my visit outside at 4.00am. The birds were tweeting their hearts out, so much so I just had to go out again at 4.45 to have another listen. The Lock Down was not impressed at having two morning starts. Ungrateful that's what I say. I'm still a bit delicate so hopefully I'll get my fave rice and eggy dinner later. I like that, especially if there's some broccoli too. I would say I'm a dog of fine tastes but I'm not. Just a greedy chops.

Anyway and to end my ramblings I want you to think about what was your last ta dah moment and did it involve a dog? All the best ta dah moments do in my opinion - like the ones were I burst into a room looking expectant...what are you feeling expectant about. Come on, there must be something!

I'll leave you with this - take care my little pack and keep your paws clean, your hayfever ridden sneezes to yourselves and stay strong. Who knows we might be Not the Lock Downs soon. Then again. Too soon is too soon.

Woof woof 🐾


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