Rain? No way!

Morning, how's it going? Been thinking of you all even though I haven't put claw and paw to keypad lately. Lazy me. 

Anyway don't you think things are still somewhat (!?) strange? One can only tell what day it is by the bin lorry. The Lock Down says it's Saturday so it's bin day plus 3 here. Unnerving. Told the LD she needs a plan of action. The look she gave me. It would have striped wallpaper. Ouch.

I'm interested in knowing what are you all up to though? Lots of the Lock Down's friends and colleagues work in schools so she's been supporting them by DM till all hours (that's not Dog Mess(age) by the way, it's true...think about it, think about it...) She says sometimes people just need to know they aren't alone. She has me though so what more could she possibly want? Do keep talking to her, she's not exactly going anywhere.

On a more personal note the Lock Down has been back to work, after a fashion, with a vengeance this week. Her headphones were on recharge daily the busy bee that she is. This is good news for me because it means I get the whole sofa. She sometimes forgets she's wearing the headphones and can't hear me bark;  although this may be deliberate on her part of course as there are other lock downs in this house. Mind you don't you think what we all really need to do is start listening more. Let me explain.

Dogs have exceptionally good hearing and not just when the fridge door opens either. We can hear what you can't. What the Lock Down has asked me to ask you is this...what do you need to hear that you have never heard before? What do you need to listen to that you never listened to before? Take a moment to intentionally think about this because the noises about what really matters are getting louder but only if you concentrate. People, equality, poverty, racism, democracy...deep stuff that goes way, way beyond moaning that you need a hair cut (some footballer was reported to have been fined for having someone round to his house to cut his hair. True) Stuff that goes back to what matters and why. The Lock Down asks what are you intentionally going to listen to properly for the first time ever? Be more dog and stand still, flap your ears and listen. Now, what are you going to do about it? If you have to make or support a difficult decision read the runes first, look around you, check for booby traps, fake news and DMs, don't be alone and stay strong.

Right, that got a bit intense but needed to be said. These blogs are public service broadcasts after all! 

It's raining here today so it will be a day of snoozing and grazing I imagine. The Lock Down did the shopping yesterday (12 tins of yummy dog food, wine and boring stuff) and tells me she's reading and writing today. Does she need the practice? Apparently she does!

Right, someone just opened the fridge so I'm off to investigate. 

Remember, wash your paws (still important), stay home (still sensible) and if you have to go out take an umbrella.

Woof woof 🐾


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