I've Got the Zoomies
Now as any greyhound owner knows the zoomies is what happens when you decide to go loop-de-loop in circles around the house, up and down the stairs or round the garden like your tail's on fire. Over and over till your battery's flat. Aaah those were the days my friend, I thought they'd never end...These days it appears those doing the zoomies are more likely to be doing meetings with other Lock Downs from the comfort of their own home than charging about in circles. Metaphorical ones still apply don't panic. So here in the interest of my continuing public service broadcast mandate and of course respecting GDPR (Greyhound's Done Please Rest - all greyhound family members covered) these are my Lock Downs ill considered thoughts on zooming. 1. Buy shares. Oh, too late! 2. Get dressed before zooming. No one wants to see you in your PJ's. Especially if you are still in bed. True story. Not the Lock Down, heaven forbid. 3. No alcohol. You may need it but save the al...