What's Whose What
Mornin' all (what time is it actually? Every day is defo merging into one here at Lock Down Mews) Today, so they announced, the Lock Down's are having "another" major tidy up. This one requires sofa moving apparently. No one will find any money down there but I bet you a pound to a pinch of dog food they find one of the Lock Down's socks. She has a penchant for fluffy unicorn socks the poor dear. Luckily these days I don't actually eat socks (can't be bothered) though I know some of my brethren do like a nice stinky sock. Think vets fees darlings vets fees...let alone the idea of the cone of shame. Personally I think that they are tidying as some form of displacement activity. The tidy up if it follows previous form will involve: Huffing and puffing...not exertion, exasperation. Bits of wool, food particles, fur in the sofa. You know the story. Moaning about too many cushions. No such thing. Nest making material for my inner cat. Me barking a...